EazyPod Automatic



EazyPod Automatic EazyPod Automatic UV

EazyPod Automatic



EazyPod Automatic EazyPod Automatic UV

The EazyPod Automatic is a self cleaning, automatic mechanical and biological filter system for garden ponds up to 10,000 litres. A control box fitted to the side of the  filter contains an adjustable timer that initiates a cleaning cycle automatically - even when you’re not there!


Inside the control box, the electronic connector blocks control the automated waste valve, along with your circulating pump (not included). It even houses an

 air pump that kicks in automatically to clean the K1 Micro media. Crystal clear, healthy water is achieved by the filter which is powered by a static bed of K1 Micro, which also provides enhanced biological benefits too. The Eazypod UV Automatic also features an integrated 18 Watt UVC built in to the inlet section of the filter, helping to clear green water, making this a fully automatic self cleaning filter.




Model Max Pond Size Ornamental Fish Max Pond Size with Koi Max Feed Rate Volume of water in filter Recommended flow rate Recommended air pump UV-C bulb
EazyPod 10,000 Litres
2,200 UK gallons
2,640 US gallons
10,000 Litres
2,200 Gallons
2,640 US Gallons
100 - 125g Per Day 80 Litres
18 Gallons
21 US Gallons
5,000 Lph
1,100 Gph
1,320 US Gph
Built-In Inside Control Box x
EazyPod 10,000 Litres
2,200 UK gallons
2,640 US gallons
10,000 Litres
2,200 Gallons
2,640 US Gallons
100 - 125g Per Day 80 Litres
18 Gallons
21 US Gallons
5,000 Lph
1,100 Gph
1,320 US Gph
Built-In Inside Control Box

18W PL-L



EazyPod auto Top Image

How the EazyPod Automatic works

The concept of the EazyPod Automatic is simple and yet innovative. Water enters via the inlet and passes over an 18 watt UV Clarifying bulb (on UV versions), helping to kill any single celled algae in the water.

The water then enters the outer chamber, which runs around the entire circumference of the EazyPod. Between the outer chamber and the inner chamber, there is a stainless steel perforated screen. These perforations are situated in the lower half of the screen and around its entire face. This means that when the water passes from the outer to inner chamber, a downward and upward flow is created. This causes many of the larger solids to settle in the base of the outer chamber, due to the force of gravity.

The size of the perforations will not allow large mechanical waste to enter the inner chamber, thus acting as a first stage mechanical filter. The inner chamber holds 18 litres of static K1 Micro media. As the water enters the inner chamber, the fine smaller solids become entrapped in the K1 Micro. After passing through the K1 Micro, the clean water then rises and overflows into the inner return pipe. From here it returns to the pond via the return outlet.

The EazyPod Automatic filtration system gives water quality and clarity that surpasses all expectations. The nature and volume of the K1 Micro means, that when static, apart from being a very efficient mechanical filter, there is more than enough surface area for beneficial bacteria to colonise. Therefore on a smaller pond, the EazyPod Automatic is an excellent complete filter.


Installing the EazyPod Automatic


By this we mean that if your pump is going to be used to supply the water to the filter, and the filtered water then returns back into your pond via gravity, i.e. down a waterfall, or through a large diameter pipe, this is referred to as PUMP FED (i.e. the water is fed to the filter using a pump).

EazyPod Auto Installation

Cleaning Cycle

The K1 Micro is cleaned by the integrated air pump located inside the control box, that is connected to the air line in the EazyPod Automatic, which in turn goes to an air ring in the base of the inner chamber. The air ring has small holes in it which causes the K1 Micro to move and therefore clean itself. During the cleaning cycle, the finer particles escape into chamber from the K1 Micro. This waste water will be automatically dumped via a 1 inch motorised ball valve.

Ball valve

Cleaning is fully automated on the EazyPod Automatic, and is controlled by a built-in timer, which is factory set at one clean every 3 days, however, this is easily adjustable to fit in with your pond requirements. The EazyPod Automatic will run a cleaning cycle which lasts approximately 6 and a half minutes.

A Range Of Varieties

We breed a number of varieties of Koi each year and use our many years of experience to select the very best.

Hundreds Of Awards

We breed the finest Koi (Nishikigoi) in the UK and have won hundreds of awards for their owners over the years.

Online Or In-Person

You can buy the Koi we breed direct from us by visiting our farm in Oxfordshire, or you can order online.
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